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Running a medical practice is something they don’t teach you in school, especially when it comes to personal injury.  We provide coaching, training, mentoring, and on-demand education to help make your PI practice more profitable.

PI Made Easy Insiders on Facebook

If you are a medical professional and involved in personal injury, join our PI Insiders Facebook group. A private group to ask questions and join discussions with other medical PI professionals and a few of our guest experts.

More Monday Mindsets

Organic Growth is Organically Lazy

Organic growth is often seen as the ideal–natural, effortless, and pure.  But let’s break that down. By definition, organic means “natural”–something that exists without affirmative action.

So when I hear people focus on “organic growth,” I see it as lazy. Organically lazy.

If you want real growth, you need to get your business hands dirty. You need to build, develop, and dominate the experience everyone has with your business.

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Are they an Analyst, Accommodator, or Assertive?

Knowing is a major factor in successful negotiations. Download the training tip “Knowing Your Law Firm Negotiation Counterpart,” one of the topics we cover in our Negotiations Aikido training workshop.