Having problems dealing with PI law firms?

Personal Injury Billing Pros recovers what you've earned & deserved.


Watch the video above to hear how PI Billing Pros gives you leverage over lawyers.

Say goodbye to your headaches from law firms pressuring you to accept bill reductions, ignoring your requests for information, or bullying you and your staff. Outsource the negotiations to us and watch as we boost your recoveries.


Feel overwhelmed by the never-ending cycle of underpayments and complex negotiations?

You're not alone.

More Revenue
Less Stress

Imagine focusing solely on what you do best...
Because of the power of expert advocacy.

Caring for your patients—while we handle the gritty details of your personal injury negotiations. "Because every percent of recovery matters to your bottom line." Experience the peace and profitability you deserve with the help of Michael Coates and his team of expert negotiators at PI Billing Pros.

Who We Help

Why Us?


Meet Michael Coates

Michael is not just an expert negotiator; he's the top champion and advocate for medical providers nationwide. His commitment has turned financial tides for countless professionals through effective negotiation strategies.

As an expert medical billing negotiator, Micheal has recovered millions of dollars, from thousands of matters for hundreds of medical providers.

Michael is a speaker, author, and leader, dedicated to lifting the burdens of personal injury from the shoulders of medical providers nationally.

"We believe in protecting your practice’s financial interests as if they were our own."

How We Negotiate For You

Initial Review

We start by understanding your specific challenges and pain points in personal injury, medical lien and letter of protection (LOP) cases.

Complete Handling

Once you assign a law firm to us, we handle all communications, we manage every detail, and ensure you’re informed every step of the way. You deserve action that is clear and straight-forward and cuts through legal jargon, saving you time and bringing you higher revenues.

Law Firms Pay You Directly

Whether you are using a medical lien or a letter of protection, you pay us only after you get paid.

Continuous Support

Our commitment extends beyond individual negotiations. We’re here for the long haul, ensuring your PI practice segment thrives.

This Could Be You

Michael Coates turns the often-powerless provider into a powerful healer and business negotiator in the PI world. With Michael’s knowledge of the law, his experience, and his passion for the provider, Personal Injury Made Easy provides the strategies and processes to allow you to successfully maneuver the personal injury world.

Kim Driggers

General Counsel, Florida Chiropractic Association

I was facing a business shutdown when I started working with Michael Coates. After applying the concepts in this book, the tables turned. I now receive 80 to 100 percent on practically all of my bills! Michael and his concepts saved my practice. In fact, my practice has transformed as I’ve now tripled my size!

Minh Tran

DC, Owner of NorCal Brain Center

For legal counsel and solutions in personal injury matters, Michael Coates is the go-to resource I rely on—and you should, too!

Samuel A. Collins,

DC, Director of Network and Seminars, HJ Ross Chiropractic & American Acupuncture Council

We were struggling to maximize our PI  accounts, averaging only 52% across our three offices. After implementing the strategies we learned,our average pay surged to an impressive 72% within one year. By the second year, it soared to around 80%. Not only did we see a substantial increase in revenue, with many of our liens exceeding $10,000 being paid in full, but we also witnessed a doubling of our gross revenues and a significant boost in net revenues.

Steve Tyssee,

DPT, Owner of Peak Orthopedic Physical Therapy

I have seen the underbelly of how some of the unethical law firms squeeze doctors and clients for their greedy gains. Before Personal Injury Made Easy came around, these law firms had all the power, and doctors did not know where to turn.  Michael has shed light for all medical providers, teaching us strong negotiating tactics backed by knowledge.

Emil Nardone

DC, Esq.

Ready to grow your revenues and profits?

Join countless medical providers who now enjoy higher profit margins and less stress. Don’t let the weight of PI (personal injury) liens and LOPs (letters of protection) hold you back any longer.

Start your journey towards higher revenue and true peace of mind with PI Billing Pros.

Are they an Analyst, Accommodator, or Assertive?

Knowing is a major factor in successful negotiations. Download the training tip “Knowing Your Law Firm Negotiation Counterpart,” one of the topics we cover in our Negotiations Aikido training workshop.