For Immediate Release:

Personal Injury Billing Pros Expands to Help Medical Providers Nationwide

Anaheim, CA (September 4, 2024) – Revolutionizing Medical Bill Recovery for Chiros, PTs, Pain Physicians, and Healers with Outsourced Bill Negotiation

Personal Injury Made Easy is proud to announce the nationwide expansion of Personal Injury Billing Pros (PI Billing Pros), bringing expert medical bill negotiation services to medical providers in every U.S. state. Founded by Michael Coates, a renowned negotiator, speaker, and author, PI Billing Pros enables medical professionals to outsource their medical lien and letter of protection negotiations with even the most difficult personal injury law firms to maximize their bill payments and profits.

Michael Coates, an expert in medical billing negotiation for over a dozen years, has leveraged his extensive legal and business experience in litigation, contract, and medical lien law to create an outsource solution for the challenges and frustrations faced by medical providers —healers—who must negotiate with personal injury law firms—trained fighters and negotiators. “Seeing medical providers, my heroes, struggling against well-trained and often very aggressive personal injury law firms inspired me to develop a service that turns the tables and gets medical providers properly and timely paid,” says Coates.

Unlike typical billing services, which accept whatever a law firm proposes and then take a service charge percentage that lowers the provider’s recovery even further, PI Billing Pros specializes in getting law firms to pay more. “Our team is equipped with deep legal and negotiation expertise, often knowing the facts and law that matters more than the law firms, getting law firms to be fully transparent about settlements and intended proceed disbursements, and ensuring that our clients do not just settle but secure often far better compensation terms with even the most difficult personal injury law firms,” Coates adds. Alan Nesbit, CEO of Nesbit Law Group APC, endorses this approach: “Unethical attorneys are, unfortunately, not in short supply. Take heed of Michael’s guidance and follow his lead. Trust me, you won’t regret it.”

With the national rollout, PI Billing Pros provides medical professionals with a champion trained to improve billing outcomes and business profits by more effectively negotiating with the most challenging law firms far better than the usual medical office staff or billing services can provide. Previously offered primarily in California as Medical Lien Recovery Inc., Michael has helped recover millions, easing stress and protecting business staff from often overly aggressive and difficult PI law firms.

Associations, groups, media, and influencers are invited to connect with Susan Del Rio for speaking opportunities, interviews, or to feature Michael Coates on your platform. Bring invaluable insights from an expert medical billing negotiator, speaker, and coach to your audience. To discuss availability and details, please get in touch with Susan at [email protected] or (917) 658-3364.

About Personal Injury Made Easy

Founded by Michael Coates, Personal Injury Made Easy provides key services like Personal Injury Billing Pros for outsourcing PI medical bill negotiations and the Business Advantage Program for coaching medical pros to business success. These programs boost profits and reduce frustration for medical providers, transforming the business of PI. Michael Coates, also the author of Personal Injury Made Easy: A Medical Provider’s Roadmap to Successfully Navigate the High-Profit Highway, is committed to easing the burdens of personal injury for medical professionals. Visit for more information.

Contact Information: Susan Del Rio | (917) 658-3364 | [email protected]

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