A Father’s Legacy: Navigating the Evolving Role of Parenthood

This 2-Minute Monday Mindset is to celebrate a unique aspect about Fatherhood that is a great example for business as well as life.

A Father’s Legacy: Navigating the Evolving Role of Parenthood

As we gathered for Father’s Day, I was reminded of my own father.

I lost my dad to cancer when he was just 59.

His passing left a void in my life that can never be filled.

I miss him deeply, not only for the memories we shared,

But for the relationship we could have grown but never had the chance.

Reflecting on my own journey as a parent of six children,

I have come to understand that my role as a Father evolved as my kids grew.

When they were young, my responsibility was clear cut: to guide, protect and nurture.

But as they have became adults, the dynamics changed.

It has no longer been about holding their hand.

Now, it’s offering a steady shoulder to lean on, providing wisdom without overstepping,

And supporting their independence while still being a safe harbor for them.

To be honest, I’ve found that the adult stage with my kids is hard.

I can’t save them every time now, even when I could.

My role now requires a delicate balance of letting go while staying connected,

and respecting their autonomy yet remaining available.

It requires far more strength. Because when they suffer, I suffer.

Our kids don’t see how deep it impacts us as Dads.  It does.  We just can’t show it.

That’s part of being a dad. To display the positive and hide our own suffering.

And being a dad never ends, no matter how old our kids get.

Now I get to add the joy of being a grandparent with 3 grandchildren and hopefully a lot more to go!

If my Dad was here, I would tell him how I understand why he was as he was when I was a child.

I would tell him I understand how he was letting me make my own mistakes as a young adult.

I would tell him I know how awesome he would have been as a grandparent and as my friend.

Our Dads are gifts.  Every day exists because of what my Dad taught me,

and how I’ve tried to pass those teachings to my kids, plus a few new teachings of my own.

Not just on Father’s Day but all year round, let’s cherish our Fathers, Grandfathers, and Father-like-Figures, who have shaped us.

And embrace the evolving role Dads have played and will play.

For it is through these evolving relationships that we as Dads find our strength, our purpose, and our life’s meaning.

And I’ll see YOU at the next 2MMM!

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