Join our Business Advantage Program
Learn the unique PROCESSES to significantly increase your medical practice PROFITS and to supercharge your GROWTH!
Master the high-profit PI highway like a pro
Personal Injury Made Easy Business Advantage Program teaches medical providers how to navigate the high-profit highway for business success.
Personal Injury Business Advantage Membership
Tailored for the size and needs of your practice
- Single-Location Medical Practices
- Multi-Location Medical Businesses
- Large Medical Organizations
Unlock Your Full Potential
with Our Business Advantage Coaching Program
Learn to maximize your revenue by getting the most out of every case. Our program is designed to transform your approach to the business of personal injury, making your processes more efficient and more profitable. You and your key staff will master techniques to streamline your workflows, saving you valuable time and reducing stress, all while growing your PI business.
Get the Business Advantage!
Membership Includes:
Enhanced Forms & Processes, Coaching & Mentoring, Negotiation Training, Support, and More!
You and your key staff will learn to master techniques to be more efficient and effective, increasing your revenues, growing your net profits, saving you time, and reducing your stress.
Group & 1-on-1
- Weekly Group Coaching Calls
- Monthly “Topic” Provider & Staff Coaching Call
- One-on-One Goal Setting with Michael Coates
Learning (24/7)
- Simple to use online portal for all devices
- Processes, Profits, & Growth Jump Starts
- Library of Courses, Bootcamps, Training Videos
PI Toolkit &
- One-Page, Three-Page Medical Lien & LOP Agreements
- Forms, Templates, Tools & Communications Starter Pack
- Downloads & More…
Group Events & Community
- Facebook Insiders
- Best Practices Shared
- Group Coaching Calls
Get The Roadmap to Success
Michael's new book, Personal Injury Made Easy: A Medical Provider’s Roadmap to Successfully Navigate the High-Profit Highway, is the most thorough work on the subject.
From our Business Advantage Members
Michael Coates turns the often-powerless provider into a powerful healer and business negotiator in the PI world. With Michael’s knowledge of the law, his experience, and his passion for the provider, Personal Injury Made Easy provides the strategies and processes to allow you to successfully maneuver the personal injury world.
Kim Driggers
General Counsel, Florida Chiropractic Association
I was facing a business shutdown when I started working with Michael Coates. After applying the concepts in this book, the tables turned. I now receive 80 to 100 percent on practically all of my bills! Michael and his concepts saved my practice. In fact, my practice has transformed as I’ve now tripled my size!
Minh Tran
DC, Owner of NorCal Brain Center
For legal counsel and solutions in personal injury matters, Michael Coates is the go-to resource I rely on—and you should, too!
Samuel A. Collins,
DC, Director of Network and Seminars, HJ Ross Chiropractic & American Acupuncture Council
We were struggling to maximize our PI accounts, averaging only 52% across our three offices. After implementing the strategies we learned,our average pay surged to an impressive 72% within one year. By the second year, it soared to around 80%. Not only did we see a substantial increase in revenue, with many of our liens exceeding $10,000 being paid in full, but we also witnessed a doubling of our gross revenues and a significant boost in net revenues.
Steve Tyssee,
DPT, Owner of Peak Orthopedic Physical Therapy
I have seen the underbelly of how some of the unethical law firms squeeze doctors and clients for their greedy gains. Before Personal Injury Made Easy came around, these law firms had all the power, and doctors did not know where to turn. Michael has shed light for all medical providers, teaching us strong negotiating tactics backed by knowledge.
Emil Nardone
DC, Esq.
Results will vary by office, medical specialty, and state.