DIAL IT UP in 2023! Be EXTRAORDINARY … because Average Sucks!
Who gets excited about average – an average meal, an average relationship, an average business, an average life.
So let’s make “EXTRAORDINARY” your marching order for 2023.
And for both your business AND your personal life.
Set what we call BHAGs — Big Harry A$$ Goals
That personal BHAG might be that three week trip to Europe you always keep putting off.
That business BHAG might be increasing your PI collections by 30% on average in every patient matter.
More profits = more time = more freedom
Once you have your BHAG’s you need to take action steps on those goals.
List out simple steps.
Whatever those are, say “yes”, take a step forward, and start.
Once you start, and keep moving forward, EXTRAORDINARY can happen to you.
I have another action step suggestion:
Announce on Facebook or Social Media and to your friends and family that you are going!
When you tell the world something amazing happens.
You greatly increase the odds it happens.
Because when you made it public, you make yourself accountable.
So my message to you all:
DIAL IT UP in 2023! Be EXTRAORDINARY … because Average Sucks!
And if there is anything I or my team at PI Made Easy can do to help you, just let us know.
And I hope each of you, if you aren’t already a FB PI Made Easy Insider … join our FB group today.
And at our website at PIMadeEasy.com, get on our email list if someone forwarded this message to you.
Your success is what we are all about.
Talk to you at the next 2 Minute Monday Mindset