This 2-Minute Monday Mindset is about keeping a positive mindset in spite of others.
Don’t let Haters bring you or keep you down
Look, people, you can’t please everyone.
There are going to be those that won’t like you or appreciate you no matter what you do.
Some of them will be silent.
Some of them will go away without saying anything.
Some will be nasty haters.
And those haters thrive on ramping up the negativity.
Do NOT buy into their crap.
Realize it comes from their own life issues, personal problems, the things they want to hide or deflect.
Maybe they are having a bad day?
Maybe they are just socially inept?
Or maybe they just relish the hate and negativity.
Regardless of the reason, you need to just ignore them.
That can be harder than it sounds.
As we all want to defend ourselves, even to the haters.
The problem is, haters look to push your button so they get an opportunity to ratchet up the hate.
When you push back, you took their bait.
If ignored, they actually go away as the fire has no more fuel to burn.
Here’s the truth.
YOU have a purpose.
YOU matter.
YOU make a positive impact.
It’s their loss.
So if you experience a hater, ignore them.
Don’t engage.
Focus back on your value.
Act with integrity and enthusiasm for who you are and what you do.
And the haters will then just go away.
And I’ll see YOU at the next 2MMM