Be Likable and Trash Your Need to Be Liked

This week’s 2-Minute Monday Mindset is about focus and not shooting yourself in your negotiations or relationship foot.

I teach healers how to out-negotiate warrior attorneys.

Seems like an unfair match, and often it is.
Because providers approach negotiations wrong with attorneys.

Providers, who are healers, want to be liked.

But the key in business is not being liked but being respected.

So focus on being likable and don’t worry about being liked.

And you have far greater success in business and personal relationships.

There’s a difference between “likability” and being liked.

Likability is a process.

Being liked is a result.
Hey, we all like to be liked right?

But there is a huge problem when you have a need to be liked.

If “liked” is a need, then you are already at a disadvantage: you will do whatever it takes to get there.

In negotiations, that means you are taken advantage of.

In personal relationships, that means you viewed as a soft target and not a respected one.

We all know the person who tries too hard to be liked and loses our respect.

Instead, focus on being “likable” and trash your need to be liked.

Likability is about being friendly, respectful, thoughtful, and professional

regardless of what’s said and the crap that may come back at you.

Likability is not threatening.

It means you can disagree without rudeness or ridicule.

What does likable without needing to be liked get you?

Better decisions and far more respect.

Better decisions because you remain focused on your goal, not on being liked.

More respect because you were able to maintain your professionalism

as you out-negotiated or out-communicated the other side.

In business, I can’t stress how important respect is for the long term.

In relationships, it’s really no different.

Focus on being likable, don’t need to be liked, and you will make better decisions and gain more respect.

And I’ll see YOU and the next 2MMM!

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