Real Learning Occurs in Real Life

This week’s 2-Minute Monday Mindset is about what matters most to navigate business and get results. Today I want to highlight a crucial distinction in any professional industry, especially medicine and its medi-legal aspects: the difference between “knowledge” and “experience”, and why it matters. Knowledge is the information we accumulate – protocols, business strategies, the […]

Friendship Means Little When It’s Convenient

This 2-MMM emphasizes how true friendship is more valuable than most realize. Friendship isn’t about convenience.  There was a powerful line from John Wick 4, when the manager of the Japan Continental tells Wick: “Friendship means little when it’s convenient.” That line should challenge us all to think about how we approach our own friendships and how those we […]

Better Motivation by Better Understanding Emotional Issues

As leaders, we often focus on productivity and results.  But to truly motivate and uplift our teams, we must first understand better the emotional challenges they face. Two of the most common emotional struggles are depression and anxiety, which are often lumped together.  This is a mistake, because while they both weigh heavily, they are very […]

Practice Doesn’t Make Perfect, It Makes…

This 2-Minute Monday Mindset is about getting you and your team to consistent excellence. We’ve all heard the saying, “practice makes perfect.” It’s an idea drilled into us from a young age – that if we just keep doing something over and over, we’ll eventually get it right. But let me challenge that notion today. […]

Celebrate “Team” This Labor Day

This 2-Minute Monday Mindset is a special labor message for this day celebrating just that … labor. As we gather to celebrate Labor Day, let’s take a moment to reflect on a key ingredient of success in any business: the power of a cohesive team. A great team isn’t just about having individuals who are […]

Here’s the Secret to Persuasion, Use it!

This 2-Minute Monday Mindset is how to get others to do what you desire … more of the time at least. I’m giving you the secret to persuade anyone. Persuasion is often described as the art of influencing someone to act by appealing to reason. But let’s face it – that definition doesn’t hit the mark.  […]

How Do You Rake in Business? Drool, Don’t Drip

Today’s 2-Minute Monday Mindset is about getting more business in the way you know best. What do I mean by this seemingly bad eating habit phrase. It’s tying into your passion and enthusiasm. When you love what you do, and are good at it, you don’t whisper it, you shout about it and should be […]

Do This Every Time for more Powerful Praise that Motivates

This 2-Minute Monday Mindset is about hitting people where it helps … deep inside with the right compliment. If you want to give meaningful compliments, don’t just say “Great Job!” It sounds insincere and people don’t believe you, because most have a lack of belief in themselves. Instead, tell them why by adding the word “because” at […]

How the PROCESS of Understanding can Squash Conflict & Open Our Eyes

This 2-Minute Monday Mindset is about getting past conflict so we can move forward and even improve. How the PROCESS of Understanding Can Squash Conflict & Open our Eyes Understanding is a powerful force. It’s so powerful that it can squash conflicts in your business and your life. When we truly listen and grasp another […]

“It Might Not Work” is a Terrible Excuse to Not Try

This week’s 2-Minute Monday Mindset is about unlocking true potential – yours and others. “It might not work” is a phrase that often stands in the way of growth and innovation as individuals AND as a business. When we allow this fear to dominate our decisions, it prevents us from unlocking our incredible potential. Worse, […]

Are they an Analyst, Accommodator, or Assertive?

Knowing is a major factor in successful negotiations. Download the training tip “Knowing Your Law Firm Negotiation Counterpart,” one of the topics we cover in our Negotiations Aikido training workshop.