The 12 Phrases We All Want to Hear- So Say Them First!
I read this article about the 12 phrases that women want to hear from their men. And I completely agree! I think this goes further though. All of our meaningful close, personal relationship should get the gift of hearing these from you. Okay, some might be more for your spouse or significant other. But if you really […]
Episode 37: Treat Everyone as Unique, and You’ll Dominate the Patient Experience
As a medical provider, if you can dominate your patient experience, you then develop Raving Fans that shout about the value of your services from the rooftop. Let’s look at a method many businesses use to identify those Raving Fans. It’s a measure customer satisfaction. It’s called the Net Promotor Score, or NPS NPS involves asking […]
Episode 36: Imitate to Innovate to Succeed in 2024
The new year has a way of putting the past behind you and starting fresh. I want you all to have your best year level. But what does it take to get to new and higher levels?. Outworking everyone is one way, but it isn’t sustainable and isn’t a difference maker. I have another one. […]
Episode 35: Give to Get- For Christmas and for All Year Long!
Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, and like most births, the tradition of gift giving. I’m dressed as Santa because I am playing Santa at a pre-Christmas event. Kathy Ireland introducing and about 250 disadvantaged children and incredible first responders all helping. An amazing day. As a child I remember listening for Santa on […]
Episode 34: How B.S. is your Biggest Enemy
No, “B.S.”, is not what you think. B.S. here means “Bad Story” Some people feel like they have enemies all around them. Perhaps some do. But the real enemy that all of us are confronted with is one – ourselves. It’s the one enemy we have control over. Yet it’s the one enemy we often fail […]
Episode 33: Have Each Other’s Back
I hate the thinking that relationships, whether business or personal, are a 50/50 split. Nothing is 50/50! Not in marriages. Not in friendships. Not in business partnerships or alliances. Too many of us equate equal attention, equal contribution, doing only as you would do … as then worthy of your time or help. In business […]
Episode 32: Listen So You Can Understand
That sounds simple. It’s not. At least not for me. I find myself more focused on being understood than in understanding. Does that sound like you? Here’s the crux of the problem. Communication IS the relationship. Think about it. Without good communication you can’t have a relationship, personally or in business. Stephen Covey was the […]
Episode 31: The Great Networker’s Secret: Be An Activator
People talk all the time about personal networks and networking. Yet so few are really good at it. I think the reason is that most approach networking the wrong way. They approach their network as “if you build it, they will come.” Instead, it should be “if you focus on them, value will return to […]
Episode 30: An Attitude of Gratitude
As we go about our Thanksgiving week, let’s approach it with that simple statement. An attitude of gratitude. How do you show an attitude of gratitude in how you act? That’s generally reflected first with a smile. More importantly, when you smile, look them right in the eyes. When you look at someone eye to […]
Episode 29: Give NOW All You’ve Got!
Many dream about the future. They hope for it. They pray for it. Unfortunately, what they often miss is RIGHT NOW. Now will never come again. Once now ends, now is over. I remember the greatest night I had with my boy, little Lee, named after my dad. He was three and a half years old. […]