Do This Every Time for more Powerful Praise that Motivates

This 2-Minute Monday Mindset is about hitting people where it helps … deep inside with the right compliment.

If you want to give meaningful compliments, don’t just say “Great Job!”

It sounds insincere and people don’t believe you, because most have a lack of belief in themselves.

Instead, tell them why by adding the word “because” at the end.

“Because” makes praise even more powerful.

And look at how you can spin your compliment using “because” to express your “why”:

“That was a great meeting because you ran it on time and provided an agenda.”

“Congrats on completing that because of what it took to get that done.”

And notice how those example are based on effort, not the result.

And don’t wait until people finishing something.

If people are trying hard, applying themselves, and giving their best, they deserve compliments that encourage them right now.

In the end, when you include your “why” using “because”, your praise is powerful.

Those you praise will go an extra mile, because they feel that why.

And it’s that why that elevates them, not the applause for a result.

And do NOT qualify compliments.  No conditions! No strings attached!

You end up boosting others in a way that can be felt, deeply.

My challenge to you this week is give lots of compliments.

Do it along the way adding “because” and with no strings attached.

And watch how you have positively motivated, impacted and raised them up,  

and your business and your own life will rise higher in the process.

That’s the power of truly specific, no strings attached compliments.

And I’ll see YOU at the next 2MMM!

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Let a PRO negotiate with YOUR law firm!

Having problems dealing with PI law firms? Personal Injury Billing Pros negotiates for you, recovering what your medical practice has earned & deserve.

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