Episode 20: Get Out!

Get Out!

No, I’m not telling you to leave.

I’m telling you to get out of the office.

Get out of town.

Get out of your routine.


It is so very easy to get stuck in our usual routine.

Is there ever not more work to do?

Is there ever not more responsibilities that anchor us down?

Listen I’m talking to you from experience.

I’m a work-a-holic. Always have been.

So is my current wife.

And as our businesses get more demanding, it’s so easy for us to keep our head down in routine.

Over a decade ago we made a personal commitment to take two multi-week out of country trips every year.

Over a decade ago we made a personal commitment to see friends and family more.

We had to GET OUT even when there were 100 reasons to stay put.

For over a decade now, my wife and I have done just that.

Amazing trips around the world. 

Incredible times with family and friends.

The work was always there.

Heck we even work when we travel which allows us to travel longer!

Funny thing … business continues, some responsibilities delayed … nothing was missed by GETTING OUT.

Life … truly enjoying it … is only missed if we stay put in routine.

Here’s a bonus when you actually PLAN to GET OUT.

The JOY of looking forward to something.

We all need things to look forward to.

To talk about, share, and excite us

These planned GET OUTS helps get you through the daily grind.

Always have things to look forward to that are set and planned.

Here’s my challenge to you this week:

Plan two GET OUTs.

One is to be a trip.

Can be another country, another state … it just has to excite you.

If you aren’t excited … pick another place!

The second is to plan a get together with your family and friends that’s NOT a holiday.

Can be a hosted dinner, a zip line, a river gathering … just be creative … and don’t do the routine!

Then bask in the bonus.

The joy of looking forward to both that trip and that gathering.

And what do you do after the trip and after the gathering?

You set new ones!

Set it in advance.

And enjoy the bonus of exciting things to look forward to.

So GET OUT!!!!!

And I’ll see YOU at the next 2MMM

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