Episode 29: Give NOW All You’ve Got!

Many dream about the future.

They hope for it. They pray for it.

Unfortunately, what they often miss is RIGHT NOW.

Now will never come again.

Once now ends, now is over.

I remember the greatest night I had with my boy, little Lee, named after my dad.

He was three and a half years old.

I was so busy with trial work that I just never spent the time with him like I did with his older brothers.

I always thought there was plenty of time.

I thought I had all of the time in the world.

One day while in court the judge was handed a note and told me I had to go home.

I learned while driving back that my Little Lee had died of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

That’s the moment I learned how precious NOW is.

How our time, and our NOW, is the most precious resource we have.

And how so often we waste now thinking about tomorrow.

So, give NOW everything you’ve got.

Go all out for NOW.

Don’t put things off.

Tell those you love that you love them.

Hug and hug hard, NOW.

Reconnect with friends, NOW.

Forgive NOW those you love who you felt screwed you over.

Jump NOW into that program that might save your business.

Sign up NOW for that coach to make NOW better, faster and easier.

Don’t waste another day!

My challenge to you this week is this:

Give your NOW your everything.

If there is something you’ve put off, for business or life, act.

Stop waiting.

Because when you wait you’ve lost what now could have been.

What now could be for you.

And if you give NOW all you’ve got, every day, how amazing would your life be?

And I’ll see you at the next 2MMM.

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