Lest We Forget

This 2-Minute Monday Mindset is about “why” we celebrate this holiday, and who we honor.

There are five categories to remember and think about as we go about honoring the reason for this Memorial Day holiday as we enjoy the day.

First, let’s not forget those who died.

They died so we can be free to enjoy all the freedoms we have, so we can say what we want, do what we want, and be what we want.

Second, let’s not forget those who currently serve.

They sacrifice every day right now for us. We’re enjoying, and they are protecting.

And some of them will be honored next year for Memorial Day having died for us. Think about that.

Third, let’s not forget those who served and lived, our Veterans.

Many are disabled physically, mentally or emotionally.

PTSD and suffering every day and every night because of their sacrifice for us.

Fourth, let’s not forget the spouses, partners, parents and kids of those we lost.

Never get to be at the births, weddings, and family gatherings.

There will always be an empty chair.

Finally, let’s also not forget the spouses and kids of our Veterans.

Don’t think it’s just the Veterans that suffer.

The screams at night, the venting of anger or frustration, or the disconnect from life.

These spouses and kids have to live with the harm done to their dad or mom every day too.

And that affects those kids and spouses every damn day.

So as we remember those who died, those Veterans who live, and those families and children that are affected,

Let’s not forget that we CAN do things.

We can say “thank you for your service” as we encounter our active military

We can buy that drink or meal when we see them.

We can donate to a Veteran’s fund.

We can remember who they are, that they matter, and why they matter, and talk to each other and our kids about them.

And we can support the families and children that suffer daily because of the sacrifices made.

So as you go about this Memorial Day Monday, and week,

Remember why we honor this dayLest we forget.

And I’ll see YOU at the next 2MMM

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