Live a Life of Motivation, Inspiration, and Aspiration

This 2-Minute Monday Mindset is about being and staying motivated.

Live a life of motivation, inspiration and aspiration

In both business and life, motivation is essential. Motivation is that internal drive, leading us to take action. Motivation gets you started and keeps you moving.

Unfortunately, motivation often peters out. So what can lead you to sustained motivation even when you don’t feel so motivated?

It’s two related keystones: inspiration and aspiration

Inspiration comes from within ourselves, or from others. Inspiration is the spark – the moment when an idea or person moves us to action. It gives us a moment of purpose and clarity. Inspiration encourages us to dream bigger or see things differently.

We are inspired for better and to be better. And inspiration is often the catalyst for our motivation.

Aspiration, on the other hand, is the bigger picture. Aspiration is the vision — something we ultimately want to achieve in the future. It is often tied to our core values and desires. Aspiration has us wanting more. Aspiration fuels our ambition, pushing us through obstacles and setbacks.

Putting these three things together:

Motivation is what gets you going.

Inspiration fuels your passion and excitement.

And aspiration gives you something meaningful to aim for.

While they work together, they each play a unique role in helping you reach your personal and business goals. Together, they form the foundation for a fulfilling life and a successful business, where the climb towards success is as meaningful as the summit itself.

Live a life of motivation, aspiration and inspiration

And I’ll see YOU at the next 2MMM

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This website is meant for general information and not legal advice.

The Roadmap to Personal Injury Success!

This book, authored by Michael Coates, Esq, titled Personal Injury Made Easy,  A Medical Provider’s Roadmap to Successfully Navigate the High-Profit Highway, is the most thorough work on the subject.

Negotiations Aikido

Learn the DISRUPTIVE method of medical bill negotiations during this 6-month, 12-session, interactive online training workshop. Perfect for providers and staff.

Join our Business Advantage Program

Running a medical practice is something they don’t teach you in school, especially when it comes to personal injury.  We provide coaching, training, mentoring, and on-demand education to help make your PI practice more profitable.

Let a PRO negotiate with YOUR law firm!

Having problems dealing with PI law firms? Personal Injury Billing Pros negotiates for you, recovering what your medical practice has earned & deserve.

PI Made Easy Insiders on Facebook

If you are a medical professional and involved in personal injury, join our PI Insiders Facebook group. A private group to ask questions and join discussions with other medical PI professionals and a few of our guest experts.

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