Market to Leads, Sell to Prospects, then Market Again to Raving Fans

This week’s 2-Minute Monday Mindset is about growth, and two key concepts to help get you where you want to be.

Let’s talk about the crucial aspects of running a successful medical practice or any business: the distinction between marketing and sales.

It’s vital for you as a medical provider or business owner to understand how these two elements fit together.  Now, why does this matter?

Because how you engage with each group should differ significantly. You market to leads; you don’t sell to them.

Your goal here is to qualify those leads—ensure they’re a potential good fit—so you don’t waste your time or theirs.

Those leads that are a potential good fit, have a present need, and can pay turn into prospects.

Once a lead becomes a prospect, that’s when your marketing has worked.

They’ve shown interest, they’ve been qualified, and now it’s time to move them into the sales process.

In the sales process, it’s all about closing the deal putting need, fit and value together for mutual benefit.

If the sales process is effective, those prospects convert to clients or patients.

Now you have a paying client or patient and it’s over, right? WRONG!

That’s one of the biggest mistakes I find. After each sale, your mission should be to turn those clients or patients into raving fans, and market to them again!

Raving fans not only return for more, but they shout about your medical magic and also refer others. So marketing resumes after every sale, as the focus shifts to creating, identifying, educating and arming your Raving Fans to help get the word out!

By understanding and applying the differences between marketing and sales, and when to apply each, you’ll elevate your practice to one that becomes a success machine.

And I’ll see YOU at the next 2MMM!

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