Episode 2 Say Yes and Take a Step Forward

Say “Yes” and take a step forward!

Look, if you are searching for a reason to say “No”, trust me, you will always find it.

Now I love movies. I learn a lot from them.

One of them taught me how to stop saying no.

The movie? “Yes Man” with Jim Carrie

If you remember he was a guy playing it safe all his life and his life was boring.

He goes to this motivational guru whose schtick was to “Say Yes!”

Well, his character took it to heart and said yes to everything.
From anyone asking him if they want to buy him a drink, to make it to dinner, to a mail order bride … it was always “Yes.”

He got out of his comfort zone, and while all these bad things happened, it led to something great … not just meeting but because now open to anything created a relationship with the love of his life and found himself in the process.

After seeing that, I literally started to say “yes” to anything and everything I could.

I met my current wife because I said yes to a new relationship after a divorce.

I’ve traveled the world because I keep saying yes, even when I tell myself I don’t have the time.

I helped a medical provider who was getting screwed over by PI attorneys because he asked me for help, and from that, created and have grown two awesome businesses.

So what is holding YOU back from having an extraordinary personal life and a hugely successful business?

I have a challenge for you:

For just ONE week, say “yes” and take a step forward — to whatever comes before you.

It could be a friend asking you to dinner.

It could be someone offering to coach you in some aspect of your business.

Just “Say yes” and take a step forward.

Then, if you find that week of “yes” energized you, opened you up, added value … what should you then do?

Keep it going!

My life and business have become extraordinary as a result.

Yours can too

So keep saying “yes”, keep taking those steps forward,

And I will talk to you at the next 2 Minute Monday Mindset.

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