You Get Two Chances to Make a First Impression

They say you never have a second chance to make a first impression.

I say that’s wrong!

You actually get two bites at the first impression apple

And the second bite is more important than the first.

The first impression is the first time you meet someone – that first contact.

How often has your first impression of someone been proven wrong?

First impressions are governed by quick judgments and likeability.

Here’s your second chance to make a first impression.

It’s when something goes wrong for you or someone else.

When something goes wrong with someone else:

Are you there for them, or did you vanish?

Are you supportive, or are you criticizing the hell out of them?

Are you listening, or are you dictating?

Same with your own life.

When something bad happens to you, what impression do you give off?

Did you blow up?

Did you overcome?

Or did you fold?

Think about those first impressions.

Which mattered more.

The first meeting to impress or when at a difficult time YOU showed who you really are.

Substance matters and truth is revealed.

So when someone says you never have a chance to make a first impression.

Tell them, politely, you think they are wrong.

You DO have a second chance to make a first impression.

And that second chance will be the one that truly matters, and can last a lifetime.

Because it’s the impression you make when it matters, to them and you, that counts the most.

And I’ll see YOU at the next 2MMM

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