Choose Appreciation Over Entitlement and Guess What Happens

This 2-Minute Monday Mindset is about growth, and mindset.

Choose Appreciation over Entitlement, and Guess What Happens?

Many of us think, “I do a great job, so I deserve referrals.” That’s entitlement. I know because I’ve been there – I believed that just doing a great job would automatically grows my business.

I was wrong. It didn’t. For some reason people didn’t just line up to get the knowledge and skill I offered them.

Instead of getting frustrated about it, however, I got real with it. My belief was based upon entitlement from what it took to get my skills to where they are.

What SHOULD have been was not belief and entitlement. What SHOULD have been was deep appreciation about everything and everyone.

Instead of thinking “I deserve referrals”, I changed not just my thinking but also my inner feeling to: “I appreciate everything and everyone—each client, each team member, each day—and deserve nothing.”

What surprised me was that change of mindset also earned trust of others. Because it kept me focused on those I seek to help and those on the journey with me, not myself. It made me even more grateful for my team, my work, and the gift of trust others place in me.

I chose appreciation over entitlement, and as a result, my business and my personal joy has rocketed. So can yours.

Choose appreciation over entitlement and watch the difference it makes for you.

And I’ll see YOU at the next 2MMM

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This website is meant for general information and not legal advice.

The Roadmap to Personal Injury Success!

This book, authored by Michael Coates, Esq, titled Personal Injury Made Easy,  A Medical Provider’s Roadmap to Successfully Navigate the High-Profit Highway, is the most thorough work on the subject.

Negotiations Aikido

Learn the DISRUPTIVE method of medical bill negotiations during this 6-month, 12-session, interactive online training workshop. Perfect for providers and staff.

Join our Business Advantage Program

Running a medical practice is something they don’t teach you in school, especially when it comes to personal injury.  We provide coaching, training, mentoring, and on-demand education to help make your PI practice more profitable.

Let a PRO negotiate with YOUR law firm!

Having problems dealing with PI law firms? Personal Injury Billing Pros negotiates for you, recovering what your medical practice has earned & deserve.

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If you are a medical professional and involved in personal injury, join our PI Insiders Facebook group. A private group to ask questions and join discussions with other medical PI professionals and a few of our guest experts.

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