Apply the TRICL Approach to Gain Awesome Relationships

This week’s 2-Minute Monday Mindset is about relationship building

Apply the TRICL approach to Gain Awesome Relationships

I was listening to a podcast by Chris Voss, a former FBI negotiator and now negotiations consultant,

as he interviewed an ex Seal Team leader named Jako. 

Jako talked about building relationships on his seal teams.  He said there are 5 components.

Now I’ve rearranged these to create an acronym for me to remember it.

I call it the Trickle approach to Great Relationships.

For plants to grow, we water them.

We have to trickle water to feed plants so they can grow.

The same trickling concept applies for how to gain awesome relationships.

Relationships that are deeper, closer, and tighter.

But spell trickle as TRICL.

TRICL stands for: Trust, Respect, Influence, Care, Listen

To get someone to trust you

You have to trust them.  Gotta give it to get it.

To get someone to respect you?  

Treat them with respect. All of the time, not just some of the time.

To get someone to be influenced by you

Let them know how they have influenced you. Everyone has special things about them.

To get someone to care for you

Show that you care about them. By your actions, not just your words.

To get someone to listen to you

Listen to them. Focus on them. Reign in our tendency to focus on ourselves.

TRICL: Trust, Respect, Influence, Care and Listen

And appreciate how you must give FIRST to the relationship in each of these 5 ways, before you should expect to receive that back.

So as you go about this week, apply the TRICL Approach.

Get those that matter to you to trust you, respect you, be influenced by you, care for you and listen to you.

To do that, you have to give it all first to them.

If you TRICL to water others, you will be watered right back.

And you both will grow, together.

Apply the TRICL approach to gain awesome relationships that are deeper, closer and tighter than ever before.

And I’ll see YOU at the next 2MMM!

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