The Personal Injury Advisor for Medical Providers

The Personal Injury Advisor for Medical Providers is your ultimate resource for navigating the intersection of healthcare and personal injury cases. Designed specifically for medical providers, our blog empowers you with actionable strategies and insights on proper processes unique to personal injury, maximizing profitability, to grow your practice, and master the business side of personal injury.

From tips on billing and documentation practices to insights on getting paid by and building stronger relationships with attorneys and patients, as well as how to deal with difficult attorneys and law firm staff, we cover everything you need to secure and retain what you’ve worked hard to earn and deserve. 

Whether you’re new to personal injury, have a small personal injury segment, or are a seasoned personal injury provider looking to optimize your practice, Personal Injury Made Easy and The Personal Injury Advisor for Medical Providers are here to guide you every step of the way. 

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Thanks to a nationwide trend in minimum insurance coverage requirements, acupuncturists are even better positioned than before to expand the personal injury segment of their practices.
Organic growth is often seen as the ideal--natural, effortless, and pure.  But let's break that down. By definition, organic means "natural"--something that exists without affirmative action. So when I hear people focus on "organic growth," I see it as lazy. Organically lazy. If you want real growth, you need to get your business hands dirty. You need to build, develop, and dominate the experience everyone has with your business.
Chiropractors are healers. You go to work each day seeking to relive or prevent pain. You certainly don’t want to fight with warrior patient attorneys who sometimes mislead you, strong-arm you, or flat-out bully you.
Are they an Analyst, Accommodator, or Assertive?

Knowing is a major factor in successful negotiations. Download the training tip “Knowing Your Law Firm Negotiation Counterpart,” one of the topics we cover in our Negotiations Aikido training workshop.