This 2MMM is about focus to achieve those goals you have set.
Cancel the Noise and Amplify the Signal.
Did you know that 95% of what’s out there is just noise–the gossip, too much social media, email spam, people who are takers.
It’s worthless, wasteful and distracting.
Only 5% is on point—aligned with your goals and this year’s focus. Okay, maybe it’s 10% or 20%, but whatever the %, it’s tiny compared to all the noise around you and all of us. The challenge isn’t just recognizing this but also canceling out the noise while amplifying that crucial 5 to 20%.
So how do we do that? Here’s a path:
First: Clarify your Goals.
Know exactly what you’re aiming for so you can spot what aligns and what doesn’t.
Second: Filter Ruthlessly.
Be deliberate about what you consume and what you reject—people, programs, platforms and messaging. If it doesn’t support your goals, cut it.
Third: Apply Pareto’s Principle.
Use the 80/20 rule to focus and identify the 5 to 20% that can more likely drive 80% of your results.
Fourth: Expand the Signal.
Once you identify the 5 to 20% that’s valuable—the people, the sites, the coaches, the strategies—double down.
Surround yourself with more of what supports and fuels hitting those goals, and your personal land business growth.
The rest? It’s dragging you down. It’s confusing you and misdirecting your energy and focus.
Take control. Cancel the noise and amplify the signal, so you can focus and expand what will move you toward slaying those important personal and business goals.
Let’s tune in what matters most and tune out the rest.
And I’ll see YOU at the next 2MMM!