Episode 14 You Must Die to be Born Again

How many feel like there is more within you than you have become?

I did.

I was stuck in a vicious cycle of perfectionism

Never achieving enough.

Never being enough.

To change, I had to do something.

I had to kill myself.

I’m speaking metaphorically of course.

I had to kill the old me that lived in past regret.

To be born to a world of limitless possibility

It’s like when Simba in the Lion King meets Timon the Meercat and Pumbaa the Warthog.

They sang Hakuna Matata (no problems / no troubles):

As Pumbaa said:

“You have to put the past behind you”

Seems silly right?

It isn’t.

It doesn’t mean I had to forget the past.

It merely means I had to stop living in the past.

Not being obsessed with the past.

Not being controlled by the past.

So I decided to kill my past, to become my future.

You can too.

Visualize the depth of your old self and you giving birth to someone new.

Newborns can do anything.

Be anything.

Become anything.

The possibilities of the young are limitless!

We all just need a rebirth, or reboot

And it’s never too late to embrace the new.


You merely must choose.

My challenge for you today is to have your own funeral.

Metaphorically kill the old you.
Talk about your past, your past failings, your past regrets.

Then bury that old you.

Then reboot and have a rebirth, embracing yourself as a newborn.

A newborn that has their entire world before them.

It’s not to late.

Live the life you love, and love the life you live.

And I’ll see YOU at the next 2MMM

The Roadmap to Personal Injury Success!

This book, authored by Michael Coates, Esq, titled Personal Injury Made Easy,  A Medical Provider’s Roadmap to Successfully Navigate the High-Profit Highway, is the most thorough work on the subject.

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