Here’s the Secret to Persuasion, Use it!

This 2-Minute Monday Mindset is how to get others to do what you desire … more of the time at least.

I’m giving you the secret to persuade anyone.

Persuasion is often described as the art of influencing someone to act by appealing to reason.

But let’s face it – that definition doesn’t hit the mark.  I have proof!

I’ve tried persuading my wife, my mother, my kids, and many others with logic along, and guess what?  I didn’t always succeed.

Okay, I mostly didn’t succeed.

Sometimes you need to look to at the past to guide you in the present and going forward.

So here, when it came to communications, I turned long ago to the great Aristotle, the father of persuasive communications.

This helped me to win trials as an attorney, business as a business owner, and getting what I wanted in my relationships far more often than not.

Aristotle taught that persuasion relies on three elements: ethos, logos and pathos.

Ethos is about establishing credibility – showing that you are trustworthy and knowledgeable.

Logos is the logical appeal – presenting facts and reasoning to make your case.

And then there’s Pathos, the emotional appeal – connecting with people on an emotional level to inspire them to act.

Out of these three, I’ve found Pathos to be the most powerful.

While we can lay out a strong argument, it’s the emotional connection that truly drives people to take action.

In sales you may have heard that people buy on emotion, and justify it with logic. Spot on!

So in your practice, lead with empathy and understanding which are vital for harnessing and triggering pathos.

Pathos will make your messaging more compelling and impactful.

When striving to influence others, remember; it’s not about presenting facts.

It’s about touching hearts and inspiring minds and action.

Pathos – the emotions – is where true persuasion happens.

Now you know the secret. Use it!

And I’ll see YOU at the next 2MMM

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