How Do You Rake in Business? Drool, Don’t Drip

Today’s 2-Minute Monday Mindset is about getting more business in the way you know best.

What do I mean by this seemingly bad eating habit phrase.

It’s tying into your passion and enthusiasm.

When you love what you do, and are good at it, you don’t whisper it, you shout about it and should be hard to shut you up!

Nothing will get you more business than drooling education to your clients, prospects and strategic alliances.

This is the essence of what is called “education-based marketing.”

Provide targeted, meaningful information of value to your audience,

that speaks to their needs or interests and leaves them drooling for more.

It’s not about a sale; it’s about empowering your audience and drooling value they can benefit from.

While others withhold the secret sauce, you educate freely and establish yourself as a trusted authority in your field.

“Dripping” means offering information in small, uninspiring and often forgettable doses or content.

At the other end, “drooling” is offering a ton of value, in an inspired and unforgettable way.

You drool on them, so THEY start to drool wanting more.

That makes them eager to learn more and seek you out.

How do you drool effectively?

Give detailed explanations, formulas, compelling stories, and practical examples.

Make your communication rich and impactful.

Remember, an informed audience is an empowered audience.

So next time you’re educating you audience, embrace education-based marketing.

Be passionate, be detailed, and drool on them, don’t drip, and they will drool for more.

And I’ll see YOU at the next 2MMM!

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This website is meant for general information and not legal advice.

The Roadmap to Personal Injury Success!

This book, authored by Michael Coates, Esq, titled Personal Injury Made Easy,  A Medical Provider’s Roadmap to Successfully Navigate the High-Profit Highway, is the most thorough work on the subject.

Negotiations Aikido

Learn the DISRUPTIVE method of medical bill negotiations during this 6-month, 12-session, interactive online training workshop. Perfect for providers and staff.

Join our Business Advantage Program

Running a medical practice is something they don’t teach you in school, especially when it comes to personal injury.  We provide coaching, training, mentoring, and on-demand education to help make your PI practice more profitable.

Let a PRO negotiate with YOUR law firm!

Having problems dealing with PI law firms? Personal Injury Billing Pros negotiates for you, recovering what your medical practice has earned & deserve.

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If you are a medical professional and involved in personal injury, join our PI Insiders Facebook group. A private group to ask questions and join discussions with other medical PI professionals and a few of our guest experts.

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