What Will Be Said at Your Funeral?

For this President’s Day, I was reflecting on impact and legacy.

I want you to imagine YOU died. It’s now YOUR funeral.

Picture it.  The people you know sitting to hear those closest talk about your life.

What will those coming up say about YOU?

What was YOUR Impact, Your Legacy, and how you Lived your Life?

We do it for Presidents.  Let’s do it for ourselves now.

For Impact:

How have you impacted others and your community?

What difference have you made?

For Legacy:

How will you be remembered?

What are the things you put in place that will continue long after you passed?

For Living Life:

Was your life extraordinary or were you stuck in average?

Did you set the example for being passionate about life and excited about living each day?

It’s not too late for your Impact, Your Legacy and being an example for Living Life.

My challenge to you this week is:

Take out a piece of paper or type on your computer.

Imagine YOU are at your own funeral!

What would those attending say right now about YOUR Impact, YOUR Legacy, how you LIVED your life.

Write it down.  Read it and reflect upon it.


What would you WANT them to say when the time comes?

About your impact, your legacy and how you lived your life?

Write it down. Read it and reflect upon THAT now.

How different do you feel reading what people would say now, and what you would WANT them to say?


Stop the “what if” and change it to “what now”

Be the YOU, you always wanted.
Be the YOU, that is remembered how you want.

Be the YOU, that sets the example about living life

You are alive and have a chance to create the life you want.

Now live it!

And I’ll see YOU at the next 2MMM

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