Episode 8 Beat the Payment Death Zone With a Solid Base Camp

Beat the Payment Death Zone with a Solid Base Camp In high-altitude mountaineering, you enter what they call the “death zone”. An altitude so high you get oxygen deprivation. Your body starts to shut down, and you can make bad decisions. That can lead to accidents and even death. So what do you do if you see a storm coming […]

Episode 7 Our Deepest Fear is Not What You Think!

My apologies, this one is a minute longer than usual, but for a good reason. I hope you don’t mind. I love movies as you know. I recently watched Coach Carter, staring Samuel Jackson, who is coaching a high school basketball team in the City of Richmond in Northern California.  Coach Carter is all about […]

Episode 6 Focus on the Good You Did Not What You Did Good

Focus on the GOOD You Did, Not What YOU Did Good I’ve had 7 children, 6 of them boys. Here’s a stat I found interesting: 90% of parents say one of their top priorities is that their children be caring. But when you ask children what their parents want for them, 81% say their parents value achievement the most. That had […]

Episode 5 Embrace The Ripple Effect

This is a really important day – Memorial Day.  Honoring the sacrifices of the men and women who have served and paid the ultimate sacrifice for us and our country, to provide us the freedom we enjoy. World War I, World War II, Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, etc. and currently.  A friend of mine, his son had […]

Episode 4 Strive to be Exceptional

Today’s two minute Monday morning mindsetStrive to be exceptional.The American Medical Association came up with eight attributes for an exceptional physician.Well I think you can take these same eight attributes and create an exceptional business. First,you are generous, humble, adaptable, and resolute.In other words, sure you care and are committed as a healer and as […]

Episode 3 Put Fear Aside For 20 Seconds

I remember when one of my 5 boys was playing baseball in high school. He was the teammate that cheered everyone. But the coach just rarely played him. My son was so depressed. I wanted to know how to help him. Then I saw this movie I Bought a Zoo – with Matt Damon as […]

Episode 2 Say Yes and Take a Step Forward

Say “Yes” and take a step forward! Look, if you are searching for a reason to say “No”, trust me, you will always find it. Now I love movies. I learn a lot from them. One of them taught me how to stop saying no. The movie? “Yes Man” with Jim Carrie If you remember […]

Episode 1 Dial it up in 2023

DIAL IT UP in 2023! Be EXTRAORDINARY … because Average Sucks! Who gets excited about average – an average meal, an average relationship, an average business, an average life. So let’s make “EXTRAORDINARY” your marching order for 2023. And for both your business AND your personal life. Set what we call BHAGs — Big Harry […]

Are they an Analyst, Accommodator, or Assertive?

Knowing is a major factor in successful negotiations. Download the training tip “Knowing Your Law Firm Negotiation Counterpart,” one of the topics we cover in our Negotiations Aikido training workshop.