Episode 28: Collaboration is the Key and the Perfect Symphony

If you give, you get. And in no way does that come to light more than when you collaborate with others. Collaboration is defined as the action of working with someone to produce or create something. My own definition is a bit different. To me, collaboration is the action of working with someone to raise each […]

Episode 27: Don’t Make These 6 Bad Decisions

I read an article that compiled from experts on what are the 6 decisions that you can make in your life, that are the WORST! And I agree. Here are the six: First, you do things based upon what others think you should do or be.            Trust you. Don’t act to satisfy others.               […]

Episode 26: Stop Procrastinating with Purposeful Inertia through Baby Steps

Procrastination is delaying or avoiding something. Look, I’m the ultimate procrastinator.  It’s one of my super powers. Okay, so it’s really my Super Sabotager All my life I have had to battle procrastination. One solution I found comes from physics and the concept of inertia. Inertia is an object in motion and because it’s moving, […]

Episode 25: Problems are not Stop Signs, They are Guidelines

That title isn’t from me but from the Reverend Robert Shuller The usual definition of a “problem” is a situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome. That definition has fear, uncertainty and anxiety often reigning supreme when problems arise. We are looking to deny or avoid problems, not solve them. We […]

Episode 24: Your Team Craves Coaching

A recent survey by Adobe of Gen Zers revealed they are HUNGRY for mentorship and development. GenZ are those born between 1997 and  2012, so your 26 year old and under workforce. Here are two stats from the survey: First, 83% said a mentor is crucial for their career, but only half reported having one.               And I […]

Episode 23: It’s Never a Mistake to Care for Someone

I was watching one of my usual annual movies, Radio. Radio is the story of a high school football coach and the developmentally challenged man he took under his wing. Cuba Gooding Jr plays the real life handicapped man, nicknamed Radio. He was bullied by football players and the coach caught them, punished them, and […]

Episode 22: Apply the 85% Rule to Maximize High Performance

A popular management mindset is: Give 110% effort or you aren’t giving enough! This approach hasn’t worked. Not only does this old mindset not produce high performance, it creates a downward spiral of toxicity leading to burnout. And from what segment: the highly engaged yet exhausted workers – your top people! Try to replace your top staff, […]

Episode 20: Get Out!

Get Out! No, I’m not telling you to leave. I’m telling you to get out of the office. Get out of town. Get out of your routine. GET OUT! It is so very easy to get stuck in our usual routine. Is there ever not more work to do? Is there ever not more responsibilities […]

Episode 19: The Six Keys to High Performing Teams Are…

The 6 Keys to High Performing Teams are … Ahhh … so I have your attention on this Labor Day. For Labor Day we celebrate the hard work so many do. What we really want to celebrate is that hard work results in huge success. And that success being wins for them, leading to wins […]

Are they an Analyst, Accommodator, or Assertive?

Knowing is a major factor in successful negotiations. Download the training tip “Knowing Your Law Firm Negotiation Counterpart,” one of the topics we cover in our Negotiations Aikido training workshop.