Episode 18: Dish Out WOW to Create Raving Fans
Online advocates are modern day influencers. Think of the speed and power of social media as they shout love or hate. You notice few people give 3 star reviews. It’s usually 1-2s or 4-5s. Any patient or any customer can affect your brand quickly. If they love you they will shout about it. If they […]
Episode 17: Slow Down to Speed Up
Man, is this world going fast. Business and life getting so much busier aren’t they? It makes us feel like we have to go faster, and faster, and faster to stay ahead of it. What happens is, yes, we get busy … being busy. We can feel like the hamster on the hamster wheel, our […]
Episode 16: Geek Out! Be You! To Be YOU!
The most important thing is being the authentic you. Secretly, I think most of us think of ourselves as Geeks. I always identified with the movie Revenge of the Nerds even though I was an athlete. Because really, I was (and am) a Nerd. Maybe you are like me and live for Start Trek reruns […]
Episode 15: We Act on Emotions and then Justify with Logic
Whether marketing, parenting, or leadership of any kind, it is the ability to connect with others emotionally that drives decisions and actions. People don’t come, act, or follow because you are good at what you do. They do it because of how you make them feel. We all want to feel valued. We all want […]
Episode 14 You Must Die to be Born Again
How many feel like there is more within you than you have become? I did. I was stuck in a vicious cycle of perfectionism Never achieving enough. Never being enough. To change, I had to do something. I had to kill myself. I’m speaking metaphorically of course. I had to kill the old me that […]
Episode 13 Coaching and Mentoring Can Turn Good Moves into Great Ones
When you find a good move to make, make an even better one! How? By being coached and mentored. I was watching a TV segment this year that featured this out of work telecom worker hired by a friend to work as an elementary school custodian. Introducing custodian David Bishop of Hampton, Main USA In […]
Episode 12 Fear of Mistakes Stopping You? Just Tango On!
From the movie, Scent of a Woman, Al Pacino is a cantankerous, blind, and retired army colonel. He’s depressed and miserable His two favorite loves in life now: Jack Daniel’s and women As to women, he could describe the physical aspects of a women merely by hearing her voice. He also had this strange ability […]
Episode 11 “Are You Okay?” Countering with Class
Today’s 2MMM: “Are You Okay?” – Countering with Class That simple response: “Are you Okay?”, can counter rudeness and aggressiveness in business and in life Sometimes you find people just down right rude, unkind, or overly aggressive. It can be at a dinner table with friends, where playfulness and sarcastic comments can go too far. In my space in personal […]
Episode 10 Honor Freedom with an Extraordinary Life
July 4th, when we celebrate our Independence Day. Also the day I celebrate my birthday! Yes, I’m a 4th of July baby. This holiday celebrates our birth as a country. When we declared ourselves FREE! Free from tyranny. Free from oppression. Free to believe what we want. Free to rule ourselves in a democracy of the […]
Episode 9 Progress Will Lead You to the Boiling Point of Transformation
In my coaching of medical practices in the personal injury space, I have a standard catch phrase: “Progress is Perfection.” So why that? Because perfection really is NOT achievable, in ANYTHING. Now, when you progress, you move forward. You get better and you keep getting better. And there is a point, as you progress, where ONE THING you haven’t done before, can lead you to an entirely […]